3 Steps to finding out what I can use my NDIS Funding on

January 28, 2025

So, you meet the criteria to apply for NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) funding.

What next?

The most common questions NDIS providers get asked from participants are:

  • How do I go about using the funding? 
  • What can I use the funding on?  

Here are 3 simple steps/considerations to support you and help you get started.

Step 1: Build a relationship with your provider

Before we get into the details, this is the most crucial and fundamental step. Think about what you want and need and think about what service providers will meet those needs.

Relationships are key, so it’s vital to have a positive relationship with your service provider. Ask as many questions as you can and try to have an open communication line with your provider. The more your provider understands you, the more they will be able to help you.

When you have a good relationship, your provider can then clearly and effectively tell you how  you can and cannot use your NDIS funding. They can also help make the funding application process easier.

Step 2: Ask yourself questions to figure out your needs

What do you need to be able to effectively function and work?

The answer to this is going to be different and unique to each individual. Each person requires a different set of supports in a home/workplace setting.

Here is a self-reflection exercise to help set you up for clearer discussions with your NDIS Service Provider. 

  • What do you love in your life and/or work? What people and structures do you already have in place that help you to feel supported? Pause. Celebrate and appreciate these.

  • What do you find challenging in the current setup of your life and work? What do you need to feel supported on a physical, emotional, mental, and environmental level to help you thrive and be the best version of yourself?

  • Expand your possibilities and future. When you picture yourself in your dream role, at work, is there anything else that you need at home or in the office that would support you in reaching that goal? 

Examples of some needs that could support you in your self-reflection.

Emotional/Mental needs Context
I live alone and I need more connection and emotional support as I clear my trauma and reclaim some of my power back.

I need people outside of my immediate family to talk to and get their perspective—someone to talk to as a friend and someone to talk to professionally.

Possible at-home carer to have a chat with
Possible regular counselling sessions with qualified healthcare professionals
Possible art therapy
Physical needs Context
My mind is active, and I can function and type/do work on the computer.

But, my body needs support to be able to move and get the blood flowing to support my brain and productivity.

Possible exercise/pool therapy
Possible chair or bed that allows for greater mobility and movement
Environmental needs Context
I have MS, and I’ve recently been given a wheelchair to support my movement. My body struggles to regulate heat.

Possible ramps installed at the workplace and or home
Possible air conditioning installed at the workplace or home
Training needs Context
My dream job is to become a Coder!

Possible further training in XYZ coding course.

Step 3: Apply and submit your case for assessment

Share these answers with your service provider. Their role in this is to support you as far as possible, and this includes making a case and submitting it for review.

The application process is not just about what you want (the item), it’s also about the context of why you need something (the evidence). It’s crucial to show the NDIS why something is important to you.

It’s also worth noting here that, just because an application is submitted, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be approved. So, you have to remember to provide detailed evidence and information to effectively meet the funding criteria.

In any case, the best way to go about this is to contact your service provider and ask them to help you.

Kelly Stempa
Account Director (New Sales)
Customer-driven and goals-oriented, Kelly is all about smashing the glass ceiling and hitting her targets. As the New Sales Account Director, Kelly is responsible for promoting new business in the care and support sector, helping service providers train and upskill their support staff.

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