Integrate your platform and save time
Using etrainu boosts your productivity by connecting your ecosystem together with etrainu's LMS.
Integrations chart.

Create an integrated system with etrainu

Maintain Consistent Data

Give your team data they can trust and accurately share the information you need.

Work faster and smarter

When data flows effortlessly, your employees can move faster and make better decisions.

Uncover business insights

Discover new opportunities with trustworthy, reliable data about your team's training.

Create end-to-end workflows

Connect the platforms that are important to you to ensure your staff can seamlessly train.

Make the change and be inspired to learn


Integrate etrainu with the systems that drive your business

Create a seamless integration between your ecosystem of tools and etrainu's LMS. Choose between a standard or custom integration and have the confidence your data can flow easily within your existing systems and content libraries.
With IntelliHR’s dynamic analytics and etrainu’s online learning solutions, you can find trends relevant to your business and find your training needs.
As an authoring tool, Chameleon Creator is our go-to for course design and development. It's easy-to-use which means anyone can pick it up and get going.
Tanda integrates with etrainu to help you keep track of your employees’ progress and training schedule—making it easier to stay on top of your reporting.
People and performance: that's what intelliHR is all about. Providing high-powered analytics and metrics, intelliHR offers a dynamic HRIS solution.
Custom HRIS
It's a bit of a mouthful but an HRIS is a Human Resource Information System. Having a system allows you to manage payroll, human resources, training, etc. And with etrainu and intelliHR, you can tailor your HRIS to your business's needs.
Designed for flexibility and scalability, GameDay, powered by Stack Sports, provides sporting organisations with easy membership and events solutions.
Sports Connect Logo
Connect your websites, registration, and youth sports communities with Sports Connect. Their technology makes it easier to manage sporting organisations and keep everyone linked.
Captain U
You've heard of etrainu, now meet CaptainU! As a recruiting platform, you can easily scout talented athletes across all sports: making it easier to find all the top-level players.
Revolutionise the way you manage sport. Built for sport of all shapes and sizes, revolutioniseSPORT helps you look after finances, memberships, events, etc.
Combining sports business management and member-facing functionality, the Sport:80 Platform allows you to capture, manage, analyse, and leverage information aggregated by sports organisations.
Custom Sports Membership Platform
Our team of in-house developers will assess your business needs and create a custom integration aligned to your organisational structure.
Tanda integrates with etrainu to help you keep track of your employees’ progress and training schedule—making it easier to stay on top of your reporting.
Deputy replaces the manual spreadsheets, paperwork, calls and emails with an easy to use time and attendance solution. Deputy makes it simple to create schedules in minutes.
Custom Time and Attendance Platform
Our team of in-house developers will assess your business needs and create a custom integration aligned to your organisational structure.
Get JobReady and find high-quality, relevant career pathways. With an extensive offering of courses, you can upskill and build your credentials.
Ascend to a powerful content management system with Acenda. Track your business's progress using performance dashboard and custom reporting solutions.
Providing learning, flexibility, innovation, efficiency, and transparency, Wisenet allows you to better manage your training. From managing sales to enrolments, it's all covered in one solution.
Custom Student Management System
A student management system integration allows you to track your students eLearning activity, including progress and course completions.
As an engagement management system, iMis helps your organisation engage with members, donors, and staff anywhere, anytime. iMis offers an EMS to organisations of all types and sizes.
Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft Dynamics provides a portfolio of intelligent business applications that empowers businesses to create more engaging customer experiences.
Run your business with Zoho's unified cloud software, designed to help you break down silos between departments and increase organisational efficiency.
Learning Vault Image
Learning Vault
Learning Vault is a digital education company specialising in forward-thinking and technology-driven solutions.
Payroll system
Manage your payroll and training from one place. Thanks to a convenient payroll and LMS integration, you'll never miss payday.
Custom integrations
Our team of in-house developers will assess your business needs and create a custom integration aligned to your organisational structure.
Grow your career and start learning with etrainu!

Browse over 300+ courses across numerous sectors and topics to help with all your learning needs.

Our Courses
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