A List of NDIS-Approved Auditors in Your Area

Aalia Hussein
Mar 3, 2025

You’ve got your paperwork sorted, you’ve registered to be an NDIS provider, and now you need to get your audit done. But who do you go to for the audit?

We’ve compiled a list of NDIS auditors in your area to help you narrow it down.

But first, what does an auditor do?

An auditor is an independent organisation that assesses your company’s services and supports against the NDIS Practice Standards.

Auditors check whether you are providing the services and supports you offer and if you are doing so safely using person-centred approaches.

They look at your organisation’s size, scope, and service delivery to see if you are qualified to provide your nominated services. You can either get verified or certified.

How do I know I can trust an auditor?

Most auditors will have the approval of the NDIS to carry out these audits. Our list includes all the auditors approved by the NDIS.

Some auditors may also have other credentials including the:

  • Joint Accreditation Scheme of Australia and New Zealand (JAZ-ANZ), which verifies that your auditor is qualified to carry out its duties
  • International Accreditation Forum (IAF), a global organisation that validates and verifies auditors across the world

When researching an auditor, it’s good to look at their other credentials to see if they’re the right one for you. 

It’s also a good idea to keep in mind your budget and organisation size.

What services does an NDIS auditor typically provide?

Auditors usually verify or certify you.

Verification audits occur if your organisation delivers lower-risk supports and services. 

You must show the auditor evidence of your:

  • Relevant qualifications
  • Skills, knowledge, and experience
  • Policies and procedures, including
  • Incident reporting/incident management
  • Complaints/complaints management
  • Risks and hazards/risk management
  • Safe, quality supports and services

Certification audits are necessary if your organisation provides more complex or higher-risk supports and services. 

If this is the case, you are assessed against the core NDIS Practice Standards and any other module related to your supports and services.

You must show the auditor evidence of your:

  • Relevant qualifications
  • Skills, knowledge, and experience
  • Policies and procedures, including
  • Incident reporting/incident management
  • Complaints/complaints management
  • Risks and hazards/risk management
  • Governance and operational management
  • A safe delivery environment
  • Safe, quality delivery of supports and services

As certification audits are more high-level, they also involve document reviews, site visits, and interviews with your staff and participants.

You need to make sure you get an audit done within 18 months of your registration (if you're a new provider) or 12 months (if you’re already registered). Have a read of the whole process in our other blog, 5 Steps to Passing Your NDIS Audit.

Auditors by region

We’ve listed all the approved auditors by region. Most auditors are usually located in Queensland, Victoria, or New South Wales, but many have offices or staff across Australia.


Contact name: Natasha Wakefield and Sharmal Narayan

Contact phone: 1300 971 044

Contact email: ndis@certifii.com.au 

Website: www.certifii.com.au 

Head office: Unit 5 & 6, 42 Deakin Street, Brendale, QLD 4500

About: Certifii is an approved auditing body with the NDIS Commission, providing auditing and compliance services in Qld, WA, SA, Vic, and NSW.

HDAA Australia Pty Ltd

Contact name: Marc Gehrmann

Contact phone: 1800 601 696

Contact email: ndis@hdaau.com.au 

Website: www.hdaau.com.au 

Head office: 4/12 Endeavour Boulevard, North Lakes, Brisbane QLD 4509

About: HDAA Australia provides auditing services throughout Australia and has a network of auditors across all states and territories.

Institute for Healthy Communities Australia Certification Pty Ltd

Contact name: Karin Burroughs

Contact phone: 07 3844 2222

Contact email: certification@IHCAC.com.au

Website: www.ihca.com.au

Head office: Level 9, 39 Sherwood Street Toowong QLD 4066

About: IHCA Certification is a not-for-profit approved quality auditor specialising in human services auditing across Australia. They provide support to Australian health, community, and human services organisations to continuously improve their quality systems and strengthen business performance. IHCA Certification is based in Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia.

Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP)

Contact name: Emily Tutton

Contact phone: 1300 888 329

Contact email: ndis@qip.com.au 

Website: www.qip.com.au 

Head office: 56 Edmonstone Road, Bowen Hills QLD 4006

About: Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP) is a not-for-profit, approved quality auditor offering NDIS Certification and Verification services across Australia. With sector-experienced auditors nationwide, QIP provides expert support to guide NDIS providers through every step of the audit process, ensuring compliance with confidence. Partner with QIP for a quality-focused, supportive approach to meet NDIS standards.


Australian Quality Certification Pty Ltd (Australian QC)

Contact name: Bashir Bello

Contact phone: 1800 879 242

Contact email: admin@australianqc.com.au 

Website: www.australianqc.com.au 

Head office: Unit 12, 22-30 Wallace Avenue, Point Cook, VIC 3030

About: Australian QC provides certification auditing services throughout Australia in all states and territories. Auditors are based across the ACT, NSW, SA, VIC, QLD, NT and WA.

AQC Group Pty Ltd

Contact name: Wali Hoori

Contact phone: 1300 931 500

Contact email: info@aqcgroup.com.au 

Website: www.aqcgroup.com.au 

Head office: Level 1, 366 Sydney Road, Coburg, Melbourne VIC 3058

About: AQC Group provides auditing services across Australia including VIC, NSW, QLD, SA, ACT, NT and WA.

AVA Certification Pty Ltd

Contact name: Reza Saeidi

Contact phone: 1300 282 452

Contact email: ndis@avaglc.com 

Website: www.avaglc.com 

Head office: 15-17 Highview Dr, Doncaster VIC 3108

About: AVA Certification Pty Ltd provides certification auditing services throughout Australia in all states and territories. Auditors are based across the ACT, NSW, SA, VIC, QLD, NT and WA.

JPS Audit Specialists Pty Ltd

Contact name: Tony Still

Contact phone: 1300 853 091

Contact email: admin@jpsaudit.com.au 

Website: https://jpsaudit.com.au 

Head office: Unit 10, 110 Caroline Street, South Yarra, VIC, 3141

About: JPS Audit Specialists help NDIS Providers reduce risk across their operations. JPS Auditors provide NDIS audits to small to medium NDIS Providers across Australia.

Quantum Certification Services Pty Ltd

Contact name: Jade Swadling

Contact phone: 03 5229 1219

Contact email: info@quantumcs.com.au 

Website: www.quantumcs.com.au 

Head office: Level 1, Suite 11, 72 – 76 Gheringhap Street, Geelong VIC 3220

About: Quantum Certification Services provides auditing services in all states of Australia. Quantum has auditor representation based in both Metropolitan and regional areas of each state. Quantum is accredited to other Human Service standards schemes and, therefore, can offer combined auditing certification services.

Sustainable Certification Pty Ltd

Contact name: Swami Nathan and Amelia Critch

Contact phone: 1800 024 940

Contact email: ndis@sustainablecertification.com.au 

Website: www.sustainablecertification.com.au 

Head office: Level 5, 326 William Street, Melbourne, VIC

About: Sustainable Certification has compassionate and trained auditors located in the capital cities of all states and territories.


BSI Group (Australia and New Zealand) Pty Ltd

Contact name: Dushyant Sanathara

Contact phone: 1300 730 134

Contact email: info.aus@bsigroup.com 

Website: www.bsigroup.com/en-AU/human-services/ndis/ 

Head office: Level 7, 15 Talavera Rd Macquarie Park, Sydney NSW 2113

About: BSI operates auditing services throughout Australia in all states and territories. Auditors are based in the metropolitan areas of the  ACT, New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia.

Certification Partner Global (Aust) Pty Ltd (CPG)

Contact name: Di Wilde

Contact phone:

NSW/QLD/ACT/NT: 0400 555 428

VIC  TAS: 0409 454 377

SA/WA: 0407 716 539

Contact email: di.wilde@cpg.global 

Website: www.cpg.global 

Head office: Suites 3 & 4/2 Post Office St, Pymble, NSW 2073

About: CPG provides certification auditing services across all regions of Australia. CPG’s highly experienced & qualified auditors are based in Metropolitan Sydney, Newcastle, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide as well as Tasmania. CPG also has regional auditors based in Victoria, NSW and Gold Coast QLD.

Community Audits Australia Pty Ltd

Contact name: Nicole Brooke and Emma Healey

Contact phone:

NSW & ACT: 02 9412 2110

VIC & TAS: 03 9088 8097

QLD: 07 3180 3867

SA, WA and NT: 08 6558 0887

Contact email: contact@communityaudits.com.au 

Website: https://www.communityaudits.com.au/ 

Head office: Level 13, 465 Victoria Ave, Chatswood NSW 2067

About: CAA—which is 100% Australian-owned and operated—is an independent subsidiary of the not-for-profit organisation ACIA, with approved quality auditors from the community industry, and delivers auditing services nationally. Their expertise ensures a specialised service with competitive pricing—with profits reinvested into the industry.

DNV Business Assurance Australia Pty Ltd

Contact name: Yngve Amundsen

Contact phone: 02 9900 9547

Contact email: NDIS@dnv.com 

Website: www.dnv.com.au 

Head office: Level 7, 124 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060

About: DNV GL provides auditing services all over Australia including VIC, NSW, QLD, SA, ACT, NT and WA.

Global Compliance Certification (GCC)

Contact name: Jasmine Hare and Ardin Keshavarz

Contact phone:

NSW & ACT: 02 8644 0603

VIC & TAS: 03 6289 8908

QLD: 07 3708 3204

WA, SA & NT: 08 6165 8801

Contact email: NDIS@gccertification.com 

Website: www.gccertification.com 

Head office: Level 1, 77 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060

About: GCC is an Approved NDIS Auditor (AQA) and provides NDIS Certification and Verification services throughout Australia. Their experienced NDIS auditors are based in NSW, VIC, QLD, WA, SA and TAS.

Global-Mark Pty Ltd

Contact name: Samantha Hamilton

Contact phone: 02 9886 0222

Contact email: NDIS@global-mark.com.au 

Website: www.global-mark.com.au 

Head office: Suite 4/07, 32 Delhi Road, North Ryde NSW 2113

About: Global-Mark provides auditing services throughout Australia. Auditors are based in the metropolitan areas of New South Wales, Newcastle, the metropolitan area of South Australia, the metropolitan area of Queensland, the Gold Coast, and the metropolitan area of Victoria and Geelong.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Compliance Services Pty Limited (PwC’s Compliance Services)

Contact name: Sarah Ray 

Contact phone: 1800 959 792

Contact email: au_NDIS-certification@pwc.com 

Website: www.pwc.com.au 

Head office: One International Towers Sydney, Watermans Quay, Barangaroo NSW 2000

About: PwC Compliance Services provides certification and assurance across all regions of Australia. PwC's highly qualified auditors are based in Metropolitan Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, and Newcastle. PwC also has regional auditors based in the ACT, Regional Victoria, Central Coast NSW, Sunshine Coast QLD and Central Queensland.

QMS Certification Services

Contact name: Natasha Marsh

Contact phone: 1800 065 800

Contact email: ndis@qms.com.au 

Website: www.qms.com.au 

Head office: Level 2, 161 King St Newcastle, NSW 2300

About: QMS Certification Services is an accredited NDIS Approved Quality Auditor providing coverage for certification services across Australia—keeping certification simple.

SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd

Contact name: Christopher Hext

Contact phone: 1300 360 314

Contact email: disability.enquiries@saiglobal.com 

Website: http://www.saiglobal.com/assurance/disability-services/ 

Head office: Level 37, 680 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000

About: SAI Global operates auditing services throughout Australia. Auditors are based in the metropolitan areas of New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia.