etrainu Releases a New Aged Care eLibrary in Line with the Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards

Mar 3, 2025

etrainu is excited to announce the launch of the Aged Care Fundamentals eLibrary - a new aged care library aligned to the strengthened Standards with a person-centred focus.

etrainu is excited to announce the launch of the Aged Care Fundamentals eLibrary.

Developed in partnership with Carers Queensland, our latest training package aims to give aged care professionals the tools they need to provide best-practice care to older people.

The Aged Care Fundamentals eLibrary currently comprises eleven courses, all of which have been created to align with the Aged Care Quality Standards. The courses use a variety of engaging learning experiences that contextualise theory and procedure through practical scenarios and interactions.

The courses cover topics ranging from Working in Aged Care to Privacy and Confidentiality, Care Plans, Oral Hygiene, Infection Control and Prevention, and more. They use a variety of engaging learning experiences to contextualise theory and procedure through practical scenarios and interactions. See full course list here.‍‍

The training is conducted through a person-centred and rights-based lens, placing the needs of older individuals at the forefront of our content. Through this perspective, the Aged Care Fundamentals eLibrary empowers learners to work within a holistic, multidisciplinary aged care model that aligns with contemporary research and strengthened standards.

Excitingly, the Aged Care Fundamentals eLibrary is set to continually evolve throughout the year. Look out for new releases later this year, as we're committed to delivering up-to-date and relevant training for the Aged Care sector.

CPD and Evidence Retention

Our online Aged Care training is also mapped to the AHPRA continuous professional development (CPD) requirements. Learners will receive a certificate for every course completed, ensuring an easily documented training log. 

If you’re interested in using a secure way to store your certificates, you can use our Skills Passport feature via our learning management system (LMS). The Skills Passport allows you to easily access and track your progress and certifications, which makes evidence retention easy.

Alternatively, if you have your own LMS, we can deliver the Aged Care Fundamentals eLibrary to you as a SCORM file. With this, you can upload it to your own LMS and deliver the content to your learners in your existing training systems.

About our Partner

Our partner, Carers Queensland, is the peak body representing unpaid family and community carers in Queensland. They respond to the unique and changing needs of over 530,000 carers across the state and those they care for.

Acting as our subject matter experts (SMEs) throughout the development of this training, Carers Queensland drew upon their experience and insights to help us craft a high-quality package. 

etrainu's new Aged Care eLibrary has been developed in partnership with Carers Queensland

Access a Free Course: Preparing for the Strengthened Quality Standards

To celebrate the launch of the eLibrary, we are thrilled to offer our customers a free course, Preparing for the Strengthened Quality Standards.

The strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards will come into effect shortly, and we know how complex changes to the Aged Care Quality Standards can be. This course, therefore, unpacks the key changes and what that means for aged care professionals. 

Currently, the free course is only available for individual licences. If you are looking to bulk enrol your staff or have oversight of completion rates, we recommend you get in touch with our team.

Access the free course here.