AN-ACC Documentation Fundamentals
The Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) is a funding model for residential aged care services. But how can care workers, boards of management, registered nurses, and specialists understand their documentation requirements under AN-ACC?

AN-ACC Documentation Fundamentals explores those requirements and the roles and responsibilities of each person involved in a person’s care.
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There are four modules available:
Nurse in hallway
AN-ACC Documentation for Registered Nurses
Corporate workers reviewing paper work
AN-ACC Documentation for Management
Nurse happily talking to older resident
AN-ACC Documentation for Care Workers
Nurse writing notes
AN-ACC Documentation for AN-ACC Specialists
Training Designed for Your Entire Aged Care Organisation
The AN-ACC Documentation Fundamentals training has been created by professionals with comprehensive experience working with aged care organisations. The online training doesn’t just educate your AN-ACC specialist. It’s critical that everyone in your organisation understands the fundamentals of AN-ACC and their responsibilities. That’s why we’ve created four courses, designed for care workers, management, specialists and registered nurses.
Older lady talking to nurse
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Master AN-ACC Returns
These online courses provide a break-down of the AN-ACC assessment tool, terminology to support AN-ACC scoring as well as approaches to documentation with real life scenarios.
Complement Face to Face Training with eLearning
You may already run face to face training in your organisation focused on AN-ACC documentation. Our eLearning is the perfect way to complement your existing training. Online training can be implemented across your entire organisation. You can access the eLearning at any time, so new employees can complete it as part of their induction, or existing employees can use it as a refresher.
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Train Your Workforce from Anywhere
etrainu's eLearning solution is available 24/7 and accessible on any device. Your team can upskill themselves when they want, where they want. Training shouldn’t be restricted to a classroom, empower your team with a digital solution today.
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