Literacy and Numeracy for the Disability Workforce
Training aimed to provide those in the disability sector with the literacy and numeracy skills they need to succeed in their roles.
The ABCs of Literacy
Language and literacy are essential for those working in the disability sector.  Through this course, learners gain the necessary tools and skills to confidently read and write documents that apply to their role.
The 123s of Numeracy
Numeracy is the ability to understand and work with numerical information. By completing this course, learners can successfully navigate numerical tasks, such as budgeting and reading dosages, with ease.
etrainu x NDS
National Disability Services (NDS) and etrainu have partnered to create the Literacy and Numeracy for the Disability Workforce eLearning to provide those in the disability sector with the literacy and numeracy skills they need to fulfil their roles.
A woman reading the instructions for a medication.
People who work in the disability sector will often use literacy and numeracy skills in their day-to-day tasks. Such tasks include reading and understanding important documents (e.g. individual plans, charts) and analysing information (dosages, budgets, dates and times).

Speak to our team to understand how Literacy and Numeracy in the Disability Workforce can help your team.
Get in touch about Literacy and Numeracy Training for your team
Our Literacy and Numeracy training is available for individuals. Follow the link below to purchase a license.
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