AFrames Safety
With a laser focus on safety, Aframes provides training programs that create productive, positive, and, most importantly, safe workplaces.
Aframes Safety works with organisations of all shapes and sizes—from local councils to multi-national mining companies—to deliver safety solutions that go beyond skills and systems. Their purpose is to create a positive, high-performance safety culture where people are not only safe but also proactive, highly engaged, and productive.

The experts at Aframes Safety are recognised specialists in high-risk industries, including mining, energy, manufacturing, engineering, and construction. They have delivered training to over 17,000 workers over the last decade.

Aframes Safety believes in creating a workforce focused on achieving zero harm through innovative solutions that embed a positive, high-performance mindset towards safety in the workplace. 

They target key organisational challenges impacting risk management to build the right safety mindset, from negative cultures and disengaged workers to poor risk decision-making practices to entrenched beliefs and behaviours.
A team wearing hardhats discussing safety.
Emotional Regulation
Learn how to manage your emotions and achieve good outcomes—especially in the workplace.
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The Why of Safety
What are the potential consequences if we compromise on our safety?
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Mindfulness in Safety
This module looks at how the mind functions and how people think differently.
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High Performance Culture
What individuals can do to achieve high standards.
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Mindful Safety Leadership
Leadership techniques to help you see how you can create a safer workplace.
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A man in a hardhat.
Safety Efficacy
How we can change our mindsets to fully create a safe environment.
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