K Peace Consulting offers top-tier consulting services, strategic solutions, and comprehensive educational programs to drive success in the aged care sector. Since the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding model has come into effect, K Peace Consulting has provided industry leading consultancy services to the aged care sector on how they can comprehensively document and maximise their AN-ACC return.
K Peace Consulting offers both online and face-to-face workshops specifically tailored to either Facility Managers or Registered Nurses. Workshops cover a number of topics including a break-down of AN-ACC assessment tool, terminology to support AN-ACC scoring, approaches to documentation with real life scenarios and practice writing progress notes.
Together with etrainu, K Peace Consulting has digitised their workshop offerings into eLearning modules. The AN-ACC Documentation Fundamentals library explores the documentation requirements in aged care and the roles and responsibilities of each person involved in a person’s care.