What's New
Bulk Admin Jobs
- On the View Training page within Manage Participants, administrators can now mark learners as expired or remove courses from them using the “Mark as Expired” and “Delete Course” functions found in the Actions dropdown. Once you action the job from the View Training page, you will see its progress from the Bulk Admin Jobs page, where it will either be flagged as queued, completed successfully or completed with errors.
- We have added a “Cancel Job” option for Bulk Admin Jobs, so you can easily cancel jobs while they are processing/queued.
Assess App Features
- The Assess Grid will now show enrolled participants who haven’t been signed into an event yet. These participants will appear on the list, but they won’t be able to be assessed until they have signed in—their names and functionality will be greyed out, prompting Assessors to sign them in.
- A new configurable reminder has also been added to events to remind Event Organisers to close their event after the end date, improving the flow of post-requisite training.